Thursday, January 22, 2015

Module 2- CorelDRAW

This week we were introduced to CorelDRAW. It caused some serious frustration for me but when I finally finished my map graphic I was satisfied with the way things turned out.

Our assignment was to create a map of Florida with certain features marked for a children's encyclopedia. We started by creating a map in ArcMap and finished the project in CorelDRAW. In ArcMap I learned a bit about reparing data sources after files are moved. The major lesson I took away was that sometimes it is easier to just add the file over again instead of trying to repair a broken filepath. A little bit of assistance from other classmates helped me navigate through that issue. Then we exported a .eps file from ArcMap in order to edit it in CorelDRAW.

Now this is where I had to shut my computer and walk away for a little while. When I imported the .eps file into CorelDRAW some of the files did not display correctly. I tried a couple of different things to work through it but my patience was worn thin after battling with repairing filepaths in ArcMAP so I shut the computer and walked away for a while.

With my patience regained I gave CorelDRAW another try but encountered the same problems with point files displaying incorrectly. Fortunately someone else in the class figured out a solution and posted it in our discussion board. After that problem was solved it was on to graphic design. Art is not my forte but I did have fun with this project. I could easily get lost for hours trying to move objects to the perfect spot or creating just the right curve. At the beginning of this assignment I questioned why we could just create the graphic in ArcMap but now I can see that the design opportunities in CorelDRAW just mean map graphics can look that much more user friendly!

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